
2021 Participants

Jureeporn Somsart

Past Program / 2021 Program / Jureepron Somsart

Hello from Thailand! I am Jureeporn Somsart. Please call me Juree. I studied in English language and literature at Thammasat University. Currently, I’m working at SE-Education, taking care of Rights and editing.

SE-Education is based in Bangkok, Thailand. We offer a wide range of Books. We focus on nonfiction and edutainment. I am working as an editor doing editorial work in linguistic category. First, I started with extensive readers. It’s like English language-learning books with limited grammar and vocabulary for students or young learners. I work on language learning books for working people as well. Later, I extended my responsibility to Self-help or self-development category.

Despite the pandemic, I believe our networks and connections can go beyond the boundaries through this program. As we shared the same professional in the book industry, I believe also this is a good opportunity for us all to understand and learn from each other.

The book I would like to present to day is 〈The Secret Habits to Master Your Art of Speaking〉. Eveyone can speak, but how well is that? And I need to back to our education system, not many students or people have opportunities to learn about how to speech or how to present. So, we have to go learning by doing but it’s not working for everyone. That’s the reason we picked up this title. It’s not just another book telling you how to talk but it is packed with principles and they are easy to understand. It’s really important for Thai readers. The key is easy to understand.

Also, they are rich with examples in real life and situations. This book is practical to follow and give everything you need to know about speaking. And it also, you know, can be applied not just only for work but also relationships or with anyone.

We know about this book from our Korean agency. They recommended us many years ago. We also have the editor and translator to look it up online to find comments and feedback from the readers who bought this book. And we also do some a little research on the auther as well. And we found that’s Oh Su-Hyang the writer of this book is famous and her course and her teaching is quiet really good and had a good feedback so that’s why we pick it up as well.

작업을 하면서 어렵기도 하면서 재미있기도 했던 점은 번역에 있어서 문화적 차이가 존재한다는 것입니다. 우리는 작가가 작품에서 속담과 인용을 많이 사용한다는

I would say the diffculties and interesting points are the same thing which are cultural differences in translation. We found that the writer used korean idioms and allusions a lot in her work. The editor and translator need to do an extra work here to reasearch all of them to understand, you know, clearly what do they actually mean because they need to make them equivalent to Thai meaning. We do not cut them out. We try our best to adapt idioms and give them a footnote in case we need to explain more.

것을 발견했는데요, 이를 이해하기 위해 편집자와 번역가들이 더 많은 작업을 해야만 했습니다. 무슨 뜻인지 정확하게 알아야 태국어로 같은 의미가 되게끔 번역할 수 있기 때문이죠. 설명이 더 필요한 경우에는 주석을 달고, 관용구들을 잘 적용해 이해하기 쉽도록 최선을 다했습니다.

We get good feedback from the readers thanks to the influence of K-pop, K-entertainment, and Korean culture. They do a big favor here because many people can easily understand examples or get most of Korean allusions in books. I would like to focus on self-help books here, they are getting popular among young readers and working people. These groups are global citizens, so they know what is going on around the world and can understand global issues.

I can say that the degree of interest in Korean books in Thailand is very high, especially Self-help and fiction titles. They are doing well.

Definitely, we already have some Korean titles on publishing plan. We always see potential in Korean titles, especially in self-help, language learning, and fiction in Thai market. And I believe in terms of social phenomenon, there are similarities between Thailand and Korea.

It’s Okay to Be Weak Today As Long As You Know When to Be Strong / SE-Education PCL

I would like to talk about the first one first. ‘It’s Okay to Be Weak Today As Long As You Know When to Be Strong.’ The name already says it all. This book is for anyone, especially the ones who just had a bad day or feel vulnerable. It will give you simple, heart-warming words to your soul.

The Conversation of Things / SE-Education PCL

The next one is ‘The Conversation of Things’. The concept of this book is really cute. Imagine if you can hear the conversation of things around you and they are cheering you up. The photos and illustrations are marvelous and definitely give you a smile.

It’s all about the Cut / SE-Education PCL

The next one is ‘The Conversation of Things’. The concept of this book is really cute. Imagine if you can hear the conversation of things around you and they are cheering you up. The photos and illustrations are marvelous and definitely give you a smile.

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